Thursday, December 6, 2012


Today we had a pretty good class.We started out with a sub because Mr.Schick  was out for the first mod of class. So, the sub came in and got Darien’s labtop to hook up to the smart board and watch the movie. When we started watching it we heard noice in the background from and add. So we went through a big ordeal to try and get it off but it never worked. Then Parker said the day when she let us use her computer to finish the video. After the video was over Mr.Schick  came and we talked about cars for the second mod of cars.

Word we need to know

Capitalism- an economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations, especially as contrasted to cooperatively or state-owned means of wealth.

Communism- a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state.

Free Market- an economic system in which prices and wages are determined by unrestricted competition between businesses, without government regulation or fear of monopolies.

Free Enterprise- an economic and political doctrine holding that a capitalist economy can regulate itself in a freely competitive market through the relationship of supply and demand with a minimum of governmental intervention and regulation.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

World Leaders

United States
Constitution-Based Federal Republic
Barack Obama
Federal Republic
PeÑa Nieto

Communist State
Xi Jinping

Federal Republic
Pranab Mukherjee

Islamic Republic
Hamid Karzai

Theocratic Republic
Mahmoud Ahmadìnejad

Parliamentary Democracy
Benjamin Netanyahu

Federal Republic
Angela Merkel

United Kingdom
Constitutional Monarchy
David Cameron

Francois Hollande

Federal Republic
Dilma Rousseff

Federal Republic
Hugo Chávez

Saudi Arabia
Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Aziz

Friday, October 19, 2012


1.) Which is considered to not be a religion?
2.) Which religion was the first out of the five?
3.) Who started Chirstianity?
4.) Which religion does not have a holy book?
5.) When did the vikings get to America?

Thursday, October 18, 2012


 Today we went over religion again. Here are my notes....

  •  1.6 billion people are Muslim
  • This is the second largest religion in the world
  •  Mecca is their holy city
  •  It is the birthplace of Muhammad.
  •  Men are Expected to make a trip there attract once in there life
  • Medina is also a holy place for them 
  • They are both in modern day Saudi Arabia
  •  they think the goal on the Earth is to end the suffering against sentient beings. 
  • There are 376 million Buddhists in the world
  •  they don't worship a god No holy book
  •  they believe intent four noble truths.
  •  It is a way of life not bother at as a religion.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Class Work 10/12/12

In class today, you will do a mini-research project.  Take these five key religions - Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Judaism - and answer these questions about each one.

  • When and where was this religion founded?
  • Is it monotheistic or polytheistic?
  • If they have a holy book, what is it?
  • How many followers does this religion claim?
  • Who is the central figure of this religion?
  • What is the geographical concentration of this religion?
Christianity was a religion that was founded in the middle of the first century. It was founded in the middle east. Christianity is a monotheistic religion. That means that they only believe in one savior  There one savior is God. Everything about God is shown through the Christian's holy book. This book is called the "Bible". There are many people who fallow this religion. I know because 2.2 billion people are Christians, which is the largest religion. The central figure of this religion is Jesus. Christianity is found in many country's. However, it is practiced the most in the United States.
The Islam religion was started by an angel in 610 AD. It was founded at a certain place because it was founded when Adam was born.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Today we had a very good conversation on cultural. We talked about how some cultures really depended on there langue my notes were....