Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Today is was not ready for class. I was not ready because we had a test and I really don’t like tests. Before the test Mr. Schick show us how we should not be the first one done and yell. Then get in everyone’s face and tell them you beat them c you got done first. Then he told us how freshman are always full of energy. He said that it is good, but he does not know why we are. He said once we turn in our test not to talk because the people around us will start to freak out because everyone else was done. Then they will not be able to cosintrate and they will rush through and finish as fast as possible. Then we took the test and it was a lot easier then I thought it would be. It was only 36 questions. After the test we watched a video called “God Grew Tired of Us”. This video is very interesting. It is also sad because a lot of kids died as they were walking from place to place. The things that killed them were bombings, animals, and starvation. I am looking forward to this video

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